His birthday was February 14th. The day before they had a small celebration at school, with a big card signed by everyone in the class, singing "Happy Birthday" (which I'm told he handled well, no crying or hands over ears), and a small treat. This happened at the start of their day, and then at the end of the day (for kindergartners) they had a Valentine's Day party with some treats. Right now he feels lucky to have a Valentine's birthday, because he gets treats twice in one day.
His actual birthday was quiet. Messed Up Daddy had to work, so we decided to have The Boy's Birthday Party on Sunday the 15th.
The party was nice, we had family a friends there, we ate pizza, and had cupcakes. The Boy got some Hot Wheels cars and track, and a Candy Land game. He was very excited about everything. The kids all played on the floor of the Pizza place with the cars and track, helped by two of the grown men who were there. (Messed Up Daddy and My nieces fiance)
And now for some pictures. I didn't get as many as I wanted to, I got distracted visiting with everyone I missed some good ones.
This is the cake The Boy picked out. It's make from chocolate cupcakes,
and has star shaped candles.
With the candles lighted.

The Boy and My Sweet Little Great Niece.
The kids playing.