Friday, November 26, 2010


I've decided to try to knit gloves. I've made mittens, but wanted to make gloves. I made a green right glove, it looks pretty good, but is a bit big around my hand. I'm making a purple on right now and if it keeps on as good as it is so far I'll make the left one to go with it. Then I'll make another pair in the green for myself. I'll work out how to make the pattern smaller because The Boy wants a pair as well. If they work up as fast as I think they will I'll even make some with out finget tips for Messed Up Daddy. I'm not using wool, that's a little expensive for me right now. But I got some nice soft yarn from Dollar Tree several months ago, I have quite a bit of it and it works well for the gloves, as far as the sizing and thickness goes. I think they will be warm too.

So here are some pictures I took today of the purple glove in progress.

One skien of yarn is for the hand part and the other is the fingers.

The hand just before the fingers are added and the thumb  with just a row or so until it's done.

The way it looks on, I had to hold the camera upside down and use my left hand to take this. LOL

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tooth problems, again.

The Boy has a large cavity in his first permanent molar. It was giving him a lot of pain last week. We finally got a dentist's appointment with Messed Up Daddy's dentist. They looked at him and couldn't even get an x-ray. They referred us to a dentist next door, who supposedly worked with more children than the first office did. So we made an appointment with them, for 4 days later. We took him in, they did get x-rays but wouldn't do anything because they decided he was "special needs" because of the Cerebral Palsy. I thought they needed to know about it because it involves his mouth, how his tongue works, and the drooling as well as the way he feels the tooth brush and the taste/feel of toothpaste. So even though he is pretty normal otherwise they decided not to do anything, disregarding his pain. Luckily his tooth stopped hurting soon after that.

Now I have to find a Pediatric Dentist who will take him. There aren't any in town who are on our preferred provider list for insurance. I am going to call the insurance question line and see if they will pay as if they are a PPO because it's kind of an emergency. Anyway it will be expensive.

Right now he is doing fine. No pain and even remembers to brush his teeth after breakfast and dinner without much argument. Even when he does argue a little a reminder of how bad his tooth hurt gets him moving. Keep your fingers crossed that we will find something and that the insurance company will pull through for us.