Wednesday, May 12, 2004

How things are progressing.

Aidan wasn't changed much because of his surgery. He hates diaper changes, because I have to put neosporin on the surgery sites. But he is walking as much as he did before, maybe a little more, and his talking is the same.

Howard has an interview tomorrow for a job, that might be just part time. But that would work out fine for the next few weeks while he finishes his class and takes his test to get his certification.

I'm still happily a stay at home Mom. The new place is slowly taking shape, but there is still a lot for me to do.

I talked to my Mom on Mother's Day, she had spent a nice day with my brother Mark and his lady. He took the opportunity to propose to her! They haven't set a date yet, but I'm going to try my best to be there for the wedding. I'm very happy that he has finally found someone that he can love, and talk to. I hope she understand about "Rose Gardens". (It's an in joke sorry.)

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