Thursday, June 03, 2004


I am with a couple of men, we are a team of ... reporters? We are going to see a woman who was famous and has turned in to a recluse. She reminded me or Betty Davis. Anyway she had a snow and ice covered pond across her drive way, which you have to drive really fast to get across. Then there is a ditch you have to jump over, also filled with snow and ice, with a sprinkler (the type with 4 tubes with holes in them that spin around in a circle) which sprays more snow and ice over where you have to jump. The two men do it with much laughter, and I know I have to do it too, if only to show them that I can. But somehow I slip into the ditch behind me and end up in her living room. She laughs at me, but it is a friendly kind of laugh.

Later the two men and I are going through several storage areas, there are many strange things, all kind of vague in my memory. Then things change just a little bit, and we are in a hospital type place, or maybe a make shift triage area. There are lots of babies laying on tables. I am standing near a table with 6 babies, all of whom still have their umbilical cords attached, some have a placenta as well, as if they were just born and laid on the table with no other attention paid to them. One of them, a boy, was moving around, kicking and swinging his arms until he feel off the table. I picked him up, at first I tried to use a blanket or something to keep the blood and other birthing fluid off of my cloths, but then decided that the baby was more important. I looked down at his face. His eyes were closed, his features were soft and sweet, like a mothers dream of the perfect baby. Then he opened his eyes. They had no pupil, there was a ring of color, blue in the right eye and red in the left, which streaked toward where the pupil should have been.


Anonymous said...

weird dream. didn't you have another reporter dream recently?

another dreamer

Messed up Mama said...

Actually I think in the other dream I was a spy or some such. :)

Messed up Mama said...

Actually I think in the other dream I was a spy or some such. :)