Saturday, April 07, 2007

My adorable Great-nephew.

I've been reminded that I haven't posted many pictures of my adorable Great-nephew. Part of it was because he isn't my child and I didn't want to post pictures of him and then have Snowanna upset with me about it. But since she was the one who mentioned it I guess it's okay so I'm going to post a few of my favorites.

This one was taken back in September, not long after I came down from Hood River. They were playing together just moments before I took the picture. DJ saw the camera and stopped playing, Aidan didn't notice.

This is one of the best, even though his face is dirty. But I just love the smile and his beautiful eyes.

A very dirty face! But you can see how happy he was and is.

This was DJ's birthday at Chuck E. Cheese. I wish his face wasn't kind of blurred. He wanted me to take this picture, because he really liked the bus

So there we go. I don't have many more recent photos, because Snowanna is pretty busy these day so we don't get to see each other often. I should have taken some today when we were at her house or when we were at dinner, but ... well there isn't really any excuse, I'm just tired and didn't do it. Maybe next time.

Oh, I don't think I've mentioned it before but Snowanna is pregnant again! I'm really happy for her, because she wanted her second child not to be too much younger than DJ. She is having a girl, sometime in July I believe. I would love to see them more often, once or twice a week would be good for me. Now that Aidan isn't with DJ all the time he is better able to play with him without problems. Both boys were SO very well behaved today, I was really proud of them.

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