Howard, The Boy and I will be staying home for Thanksgiving. Actually Howard has to work that day so technically he will not be at home, but we aren't going anywhere for dinner. So I decided to make dinner on Wednesday so we can all be together. I'm planning on roasting a turkey, and making a ham. Howard doesn't like turkey. I'll make mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, green beans, and probably baked yams. We will have cranberry sauce, and maybe a pie of some kind, or maybe a pumpkin bread.
The Boy is still loving school, even though he had to have 4 shots in order to stay in school. (which reminds me, I have to go to the doctors to pick up his health evaluation form for school) He's getting big! He's 43.5 inches tall, and 43.75 pounds. He's catching up with the few things he was behind on, and seems a bit advanced in a few areas as well. He's showing signs of early reading skills, he's known all his letters, colors, shapes and numbers for a couple of years, and is starting to recognize words he's seen before. He is learning how letters go together to make words, and can spell a few such as stop, toy, and dog. He still prefers fruit over other sweets, but wants noodles over everything else. He's not much into eating meat most days. All of which helps him keep from getting overweight like I am. He's also a very physically active child, but not in a ADHD way. Over all the Doctor is happy with his growth, health and development.
I promised pictures of some of the knitting projects I've been doing, but I have pictures of only one of them right now. Most of the others were for The Boy, and he has them in his room somewhere. I made him several socks, 1 gold one, 2 moss green ones, and 1 red one so far. I have another red on on the needles right now, and will make the other gold one eventually. He wants me to make blues ones next. I'm using some yarn I got at Value Village, it's probably acrylic for the most part, not very quality yarn, but good enough for play socks. The gold one and the green ones are probably too thick to wear with shoes, so he can wear them around the house instead of slippers. I'll find them someday and take pictures for you all, just in case you are interested.
Here are the socks I make for my Mom. I hope she isn't reading this blog, I don't think she knows how to find it at this point so I'm probably safe. They are made from some nice brown virgin wool that she gave me. I think she said that she got it from the Thrift shop at the Senior Center where she works. She didn't know it was wool until we were looking at it and saw the label.
Here is a close up of the lace, it's a tad blurry, but I think it gives you an idea of what it looks like.
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