Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year!

I know, I'm a bit late. I've been going through some weird illness since the 21st. It started in the afternoon with a sore spot on the left side of my throat. When that got better I got so congested that I felt like I couldn't breath. Then the middle and back of my throat started to really bug me. After that went away I started coughing almost non stop for a couple of days. It got so bad one night that I threw up. Two days of that and then the cough stopped but the right side of my throat started to hurt. Off and on through all of this I had a fever, but there were hours, even days when I felt almost normal. Now I have a little bit of a cough left but other wise I'm feeling normal again.

The Boy was sick on Christmas Eve, and Howard developed some kind of stomach thing that sent him to the bathroom regularly. Both of them got better quickly and were their bright active selves. However, neither of them did on bit of clean up through all of it.

We had a nice Christmas, just the three of us. Howard got a new job and was able to be home for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

New Years Eve was quiet, just The Boy and I. He tried to stay up to give me my first kiss of the year but crashed in his bed (He went in and covered himself up) around 11:30. I waited the last 30 minutes and sent out text messages to people I knew were okay with getting text messages. Then I went to bed.

New Years Day The Boy and I made cookies with a mix that my "step" sister Jessica gave us for Christmas. They were good, a bit on the thin side because they spread out all over the pan, but they crisped up nice and we just finished them today.

The Boy is back in school. He wasn't sure he wanted to go back after being home for so long, but decided that the bus ride was worth it and is now happy to be back with his class.

I don't have any resolutions this year, I don't have a good track record of keeping them anyway. I'm way behind on my picture taking for one of my Flickr groups, but that's okay. I've got most of the house cleaned up, just dishes left to get done. Now we can plan for The Boy's birthday, hoping that we will get our tax return in time to get him a few nice bigger tag items, but I've heard that tax returns may be late this year so we will just have to wait and see.

I want to wish all of you who are reading this good things for 2008. Thanks for coming by and checking in on my family.


Hennifer said...

apparently this stuff is going on all around town. Some of my family has had stomache stuff followed by this flu type stuff, some only getting one or the other. Currently Elijah is on day 6 of fever and hacking cough. I am sorry you were so miserable. Howard got a new job!!! Good news? At the casino or different all together? We definitely have some catching up to do.

Messed up Mama said...

Howard's new job is still at the Casino, he's a prep cook now. Which means he is making a little bit more money, but gets less overtime. There is more status with this job however and he likes it better since he gets to be creative when they have their Recipe competitions and there are more opportunities for advancement.

I'm so sorry to hear that Elijah has been sick. Aidan was through his quickly, which was a blessing and a curse at the same time. I hate having a sick child, especially if I can't do anything to make him feel better, but being sick when your child is not and is feeling very "busy" isn't very fun either.

We do need to get together sometime soon for a nice catch up visit. Besides I miss talking to you regularly.