Does that mean I should start being meddlesome or mean? LOL I'm glad that Christopher decided to forgive me for not telling him when we moved to California. (In my defence, I didn't have a phone number to call, not even a message number, to let him know.) Anyway, the Wedding was beautiful. I love my Daughter-in-law and hope we will be able to get to know each other better. Christopher seems so happy, and they fit each other well. I'm not sure what else to say so here are a few pictures that Christopher's Grandma took, his Dad's Mom.
Christopher before the Wedding.
The Bride and Groom.

The Ceremony.
(For those who know, yes that is Colin preforming the ceremony.)

Introducing the Newly Weds.
My Mom and Me.
The bride getting into the cart that will take her and the groom to the reception.
Congratulations to the new couple! Wishing them the best of life to come.
Where were they married? It seems so familiar.
At the gazebo at the Rose Gardens in Bush park.
That is what I thought! Beautiful!
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