Friday, December 26, 2008

Our Holiday, in pictures.

Here are a few pictures from our Christmas. It was quiet, Howard had to work, and other plans were postponed due to weather.

Our "tree".

The Boy checking out the presents. (M0st of them are for him).

A book he got from Grammy and Grandaddy.

The Boy and his Daddy gave me toe socks.
Here are all his presents.
I hope all of you had a wonderful Holiday.


Hennifer said...

You are so clever! When/if I need a paper tree again I'll have to remember yours. It is just too cute!

Messed up Mama said...

Thank you. Many years ago we had one that I drew on a large sheet of butcher paper. We put it up on the back of the front door and the kids helped me make paper decorations with glue and glitter. This time I didn't have the large paper, or glitter, so I used 8 sheets of printer paper, because I forgot that I had green construction paper, and cut "bough" like shapes. Cookie cutters are good for traceing shapes from. The Boy decided that it was big enough, I might have made another layer or two just to have more room for decorations. The Boy didn't get to make any of the decorations this year, I had to wait for the Daycare kids to go home first, and he was sleeping by then. Next year we will probably make some kind of decorations, and I'll remember to do them early enough for The Boy to get involved.