I should hear from The Daycare Mom about her new work hours. She has an interview tomorrow, with the manager at the same place she was working at before. She says that they want her to come back, and will give her a schedule tomorrow.
I'm really glad that she is going to go back to work, and so I'll have my job back. I will only get about half the hours of a normal month, but even a little bit is good. We've missed having the kids here. I hope she gets things worked out and can work full time as soon as possible.
In other news, I got a new camera. It's a Nikon D40 D-SLR, I really like it. I'm still learning about it and will be trying different things as I can. It's a bit big and bulky compared to my old point and shoot, which makes it hard to just grab it and go, but it has a quicker shutter speed so capturing the moment is easier. I ordered a tripod for it, so I can do low light/natural light shots, and fireworks shots this summer. I've always wanted a tripod, and it was a mark down on Tiger direct so it was cheap. I'm very excited to try some of the manual settings. I'll post some pictures I've taken with it soon. I already have several of The Boy and a few other things, I just have to put them in the computer and edit them, if needed.
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