Here are the cake balls I made the other day. I just finished up dipping the last of them this afternoon. They took longer to do than I thought they would and I didn't feel comfortable doing them while my Little Day Care Girl (Now on know as LDCG) was here, and need the morning for dishes and cleaning. I got them done with only 15 minutes until she got here today. They are chocolate, with chocolate frosting and of course dipped in chocolate. The first batch were dipped in semi-sweet chocolate, the last batch was dipped in a mixture of what was left of the semi-sweet and some milk chocolate. Everyone loves them, I've even had someone suggest that I make them to sell!
The tray with 4 left over semi-sweet dipped cake balls
along with the milk chocolate dipped ones.

A bit closer look.

My favorite one.

Another close up.

Another look at my favorite one.
I found those intriguing when I first read about them the other day. Yum. :)
They were extremely delicious. I'm going to try Strawberry cake with white frosting and white chocolate next. Maybe yellow cake with chocolate frosting and dipped in butterscotch. I have some butterscotch chips I can use for that. Messed Up Daddy thinks I should try to inject them with whipped cream or maybe pudding. I need to get more of the chocolate for melting though, I ran out of the semi-sweet nearly half way through, and it took a whole bag of milk chocolate chips to finish them off.
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