Sunday, December 09, 2007
Updates, or what's been going on around here lately.
Aidan really likes going to school. He is doing pretty well, but is having some issues with transitions and controlling himself. The few days I've been at school with him I've noticed that a lot of the kids have similar issues, so maybe he's just a normal 4 year old. We are working on helping him find ways to work through some of it. He also may have some sensory issues. For example he doesn't like having his hair cut, or his fingernails trimmed. He screams as if we were beating him when we try. He has the same problem with brushing his teeth, but he is getting better because he doesn't want to have his teeth pulled out.
I've been knitting hats for Aidan. Trying out some recipes, mostly using lemon because I've developed a craving for lemon flavored foods. The lemon bars turned out okay the first time, but I think I may have over cooked the lemon topping. The second time I didn't cook the cookie part long enough so it was kind of doughy, and the topping was runny. The flavor, however, was wonderful both times.
Aidan would love for it to snow. But so far we've been close but not close enough. He's making his list for Santa. It includes a V-Smile pocket and games, and Thomas the Tank Engine stuff. He also asked for a game for his Daddy, but he wasn't really clear on what kind of game. We saw Santa at the Mall the other day, and Aidan just ran right up to talk to him. Luckily there weren't any other kids in line because he might have ran right past them I got a fairly good picture of him with Santa, and plan to scan it so I can post it here for you all. Other than getting Aidan's presents I have get something for my Dad, and finish up a couple of other presents. I need to get some wrapping paper and ribbon. OH! I need tape too. I'll be done after we go shopping the 18th or 19th. I have to wait until the last moment, partly because of paying the bills and rent and such, but also because if I get things too early I tend to give them early too. LOL Making gifts has helped slow me down some, I just wish I could make more of them. Maybe next year.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Photo post.
Here are some pictures of purple foods. The Boy and I loved the cauliflower, the potatoes weren't as big a hit. They had an oddly sweet taste when mashed.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Things I'm thankful for.
I am thankful for having plenty of food to eat. To be able to feel my son when he is hungry, even if all he wants it macaroni or potatoes.
I am thankful for having enough money to pay the bills every months, even happy to live in a place to be able to run up those bills.
I am thankful for my family, all of them. Even the ones that I can't get along with for more than a couple of hours, and the ones I have nothing what so ever in common with, and the ones who's beliefs are very different from my own. They are still all MY family and I'm very lucky to have them.
I am thankful for my friends, they are really pretty wonderful people. Strong and supportive.
I'm thankful for the Internet and having this blog to be able to put my thoughts into words, and to keep track of things that are important to me.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Updates, Thanksgiving, and Knitting project.
Here is a close up of the lace, it's a tad blurry, but I think it gives you an idea of what it looks like.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Photo entry.
I don't have much to talk about right now. The Boy is enjoying going to Head Start. I'm knitting a lot, but some of what I'm doing are going to be gifts or at least might be gifts. I'll get around to posting what I've been knitting sometime soon. I hope. I've been using my slow cooker quite a bit, I'm going to try baked beans in a few days. I have been craving lemon curd so I'll probably make some of that soon. And ... hmm I miss The Boy more than I thought I would while he is in school. He doesn't miss me at all, however.

Thursday, October 18, 2007
So, I'm 48 now.
The night before my birthday Mark and Eileen paid for my dinner when we went out with Mom and Snowanna (and her two kids and fiance). It was nice to be with family.We went to Rocking Rogers a 50's style dinner.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Happy Birthday Cody.
Cody is a good Dad to his 5 kids. He is a hard worker, and I believe that he is a pretty good husband to his wife of ... could it be 21 years, 22 in December?!
I remember When Cody started first grade. Several of my class mates had siblings in his class, so I got to hear all the gossip about him. I heard how he was always chewing on his colors and pencils. I heard that he and eaten all the erasers on his pencils, and I heard when he got in trouble for eating paste. It seems he couldn't keep things out of his mouth. LOL
I can remember one time, while riding our bikes with the neighborhood kids (if the kids from the house across the field could be called neighborhood kids), when Cody had a spectacular crash. He and one of the other boys were riding in a figure eight, going the opposite directions, and had a head on crash. Yes their front wheels crashed into each other almost perfectly! Up they went, in a reverse version of a wheelie. And I swear they smacked their backs together before they crashed to the ground in a big tangle of bikes, arms, and legs. Except for a couple of scrapes and bruises they escaped injury.
Cody seemed to be a fairly social person, he always had friends. We didn't travel in the same circles, but then we were 3 years apart in age so that makes sense. In later years I didn't pay that much attention to Cody, he seemed perfectly happy and able to take care of things for himself. He married a wonderful woman that I'm happy to call "sister".
So, I'd like to wish my little brother Cody a very Happy Birthday, even though he doesn't read this blog.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Here is the bottom/sole of the socks.
I had quite a bit of yarn left over from the little Jumpers/dresses I made for SLGN and MSLG, so I started some socks for myself. The Boy decided he wanted some made out of the "Orange striped yarn" as well, so I put mine aside (they are more complicated to make than his are) and made him a pair. This yarn is just a little bit smaller/thinner than the blue was so the socks are just a little bit smaller. Enough that they slip off his heel when he wears them around the house. He loves them though so I guess they are good enough.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
A picture post.
Here is My Mom and SLGN.
SLGN looks kind of shocked in this one. I love it!
Mark's Guide Dog, Cooper, getting in the spirit of the Birthday Bash.
An other of a very beautiful little girl. Yes her hair is red right now, I hope it stays red but will probably go blond for a while during her childhood.
Friday, September 28, 2007
I've been away for awhile.
It was time to come home though. Aidan needed to have his things and his space. He was starting to push things and act out to see how far he could go. So it was time to get him back into familiar territory and get him back into his normal routines and stuff.
Besides my Mom got the flu or something and wasn't feeling well the last couple of days. My Dad's vision is getting pretty bad these days, but he was still able to bring us home. He is getting glasses that should help some, but won't make his vision "normal".
It's so nice to be back home. I love visiting my parents, don't get me wrong. I just like being home too. I don't sleep as well when I'm not home, plus I had Aidan in the bed with me. Sleeping with a 4 year old is interesting to say the least. He moves around a lot, and kicks throws his arms around and even talks in his sleep. He also had his first ever accident and wet the bed. We were upstairs rather than in the RV this time, because there were people who were going to come look at it with the possibility that they would buy it. So anyway he couldn't get to the bathroom and didn't wake me up. Not a big deal, I guess, the mattress has a water resistant cover, and it wasn't a big accident. I cleaned it as well as I could and Mom will spray it with Fabreese or something to help if it smells. I might have to put him in a over night pull up next time we are up there. Anyway, It will be nice to sleep in my own bed, and eat the food we want to eat, and do the chores I need or want to do.
I have some new pictures, I'll get around to posting some of them soon. I have some of the new little girl in our family, but I want to ask her Mom before I post them. I have good ones of Mom's cats, and even Pepper, her dog. I'll post more soon I promise.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Happy Birthday Mark!
Mark has a fantastic memory for details. I don't think it's a photographic memory, but it's pretty close. If I ever get on one of those shows where you can call someone to help you answer a question Mark will be my first choice.
We seem to be interested in many of the same things, and we both like to discuss things (sometimes with a bit of heat). If I weren't Mark's sister, and we had the opportunity to meet, I think we would have been great friends. I have always enjoyed his company.
Mark, if you are reading this, I want you to know that I'm very happy that you are my brother, and I hope you think of me as a friend as well because I think of you that way. I'm very pleased that you found a woman that helps you be happy, someone who you can talk to and you don't have to worry about her understanding "Flower Beds". (Inside joke, sorry.) I hope your day is a good one, although you are probably working today. You deserve to have a Happy Birthday.
I love you little brother!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Happy Birthday Allen!
Now he is 25. His hair is in dreads not curls, but his eyes still look at me with love. (When I get a chance to see them that is.) He is living on the other side of the country from me right now, all grown up with a life of his own. He is getting ready to got to Angola soon to work with street kids there. I'm proud of my boy, I just wish he would have found something that inspired him closer to home.
I know that he doesn't read this blog, but I still wanted to tell him that I love him.
My dear sweet Allen,
Today you are 25 years old. The years have flowed past so quickly, you've grown up. I miss you every day. I love you always. I'm so proud of you for following your conscious and doing what you think is right. I wish I could hold you, give you some hugs and kisses, and tell you that I love you more today than I did yesterday, but not as much as I'll love you tomorrow.
Have a wonderful day.
Love Mom
Monday, September 03, 2007
I'm lucky to have the family and friends I do.
I never ran into the over zealous breastfeeding women after The Boy came along. Since I didn't give birth to him and didn't know that I could do something to start lactation, I had to feed him formula. I've heard of women who have been actually yelled at for giving their babies bottles. Again I was lucky because I never ran into any of them. I can see both sides of this issue, because I've been there. It is better for a baby to be breastfed if at all possible, however it isn't condemning a child to ill health if for some reason the Mother can't breastfeed. Some people will say that using formula is the lazy way, but for me it would have been easier to breastfeed, I hated getting up in the middle of the night to make a bottle. Picking him up, he slept right next to me in a bassinet, and latching him on would have been so much more relaxing. Some Mom's don't have it that easy, I realise that, and I really respect their decision to continue nursing even through the pain and other problems.
I've also read discussions recently about adoption. That people still feel that it should be kept secret, that there is some shame in it somehow. Again, I've been lucky. My family and friends are all very supportive of adoption. No one seems to feel that adopted children are second best, or that they aren't "really" part of the family. I know that I love The Boy as much as I love Christopher and Allen. I love them each differently, of course, because they are all very different people. But I do love them all just as much as I love the others. I love all 5 of my brother Cody's kids, and think of them as family. Some of them are adopted, but that doesn't matter to me, or to the rest of our family.
So, I've been lucky. I haven't had to face the people who would try to shame me for my decisions. I haven't had to defend my choices or describe the circumstances that led to our situation. I am very grateful for that. I am also very grateful for my family and friends who have always been supportive of me. (Even though I didn't know some of my friends today back when Christopher and Allen were babies, the friends I had then were supportive and the friends I have now are supportive. Thanks you guys!)
Thursday, August 30, 2007
What I've been up to lately.
My Mom picked us up and took us home, but then had to go back to work. So we got to know the kittens and relaxed until Mom and Dad came home. Howard went out to the storage trailer and threw some of the stuff out. When he came in he told me to be prepared, things were bad in there. We visited with Mom and Dad for awhile and then went out to the RV to go to bed.
Saturday was full of canning tomatoes and getting mixed news from Howard about the damage in the trailer. There were some interesting things that made it through relatively unharmed. Like a Harry Potter book in a plastic box that was sealed and hadn't leaked even a little, which was found in the middle of a box of other things that were ruined. We picked up the U-Haul Saturday afternoon, and The Boy helped his Daddy load up some things.
Sunday Mom and I canned some Bread and Butter pickles and Jalapeno peppers. More mixed news about my things. Nearly all of my books and SCA stuff gone. 3 plastic storage boxes had leaked and were full of water and rotting clothing. The smell was horrible. Pictures of the Older Boys, my treasure chest with keepsakes that were mine baby cloths, baby books, things that were my Grandmothers, and pictures of my parents when they were younger, all gone. But all my Harry Potter books were okay, the videos and DVD's, Beany Babys were all fine. Some important genealogy papers were damaged, but Howard spent hours carefully separating wet papers and laying them out to dry so most of them were saved.
Monday, we finished loading the U-Haul, and tossed the rest back into the trailer. After a shower, we left to drive home. We were too tired to unload Monday evening so we rested and went to bed early.
Tuesday, Carol and her husband Thomas came over and helped us unload the U-Haul. It was hot and exhausting but we got it all done. Well actually they unloaded while I watched the kids, SLG was here, and cleaned and sorted some of the stuff.
Wednesday, taking care of kids in the middle of the mess was interesting to say the least. But we managed and I even made some progress in the sorting and cleaning. My Microwave, Crock Pot, and TV aren't working, but maybe they just need to day out a little bit more. I hope. I got rid of some things that are still good but I don't need, and finding things that should never have made it home at all.
Today, the next to the last day SLG will be coming here, was fairly calm. I washed some of the kitchen stuff, and played with the kids. I posted new pictures on Flickr of The Boy, the Kittens, the Train trip, the ride on the bus, and the produce I brought home from Dad's garden. I need to send SLG's Mom some pictures I took last week. And I'll do some more cleaning. I'm not going to push myself to get things finished, things are safe for the kids and adults in the house, if a bit smelly, so I don't have to worry right now. I'll post the pictures later, or you can go to Flickr and see them.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Photos from The Boy's first year.

Sleeping on Daddy's chest.
5 Months old.
Sitting in a tire.
Standing up in Mom's chair. (About 7 months old)

Sunday, August 12, 2007
Things that make me happy.
Hennifer, who took time off work to take us to the dentist and to pick up medications.
The Boy is back to normal.
Our budget was able to absorb the cost of all the dental work. ($297.50 so far)
The weather hasn't been too hot, or too rainy.
I have a couple of friends I know I can call and talk to when/if I need to.
My Dad celebrated his 69th Birthday on the 10th of this month.
The Boy is doing well, now that we figured out that he will take his medication if we mix it with milk. However, we go through milk twice as fast now. I need to get to the store soon to get milk and a few other things.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Bad Teeth update.
You can see the swelling here. The two lower left back teeth had abscesses on them and they both had to be pulled. Maybe now he will not fight so hard against having his teeth brushed.
So anyway, we took him to the dentist SLG's Mom recommended, they looked at him and determined that there were several teeth that need to be taken care of. But of course those two were an immediate need. They referred us to an Oral Surgeon.
That office recommended that we bring him in right away. So, long story short, we took him in (Thanks Hennifer!) and they rearranged their schedule and got those awful teeth pulled out. He's feeling better now, but won't take his medication very well, so he's in pain quite a bit. We are mixing it with Milk which helps. There is still swelling, but it's getting better. On Tuesday we will take him in for a follow up exam, and hopefully we will have some time to recover financially before we schedule the other teeth. (More on that later.)
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Bad tooth days.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
August Happiness Challenge.
So here goes:
Right now, a nice cup of coffee and cooler weather make me happy.
Feel free to join in, you can add your happy things to comments if you don't have a blog or don't want to do it on your own blog.
Monday, August 06, 2007
New addition to the page.
Friday, August 03, 2007
SLG was walking toward me and I snapped this seconds before she abruptly sat down.
Monday, July 30, 2007
The last 4 days or so in Pictures.
These two are different stages of the same plant, I think. I have no idea what they are, but they are interesting.