Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The First day of First Grade.

I somehow didn't get things together early enough to get pictures of The Boy on his first day of school this year. He was so interested in changing to go out to play I didn't get any after school either.

He didn't want to talk too long, he wanted to go play, but said that he had a good day. I'll get him to talk later, after dinner and find out some more information. I'll ask about the kids in his class, and his first school lunch.

I missed him all day! Little Day Care Girl missed him too. I couldn't wait for him to get home, and he just wanted to leave me again. LOL

I'll try to get pictures tomorrow, no promises though.

1 comment:

kristina said...

Hi, Your blog about your little guy and 1st grade is touching. I can identify (tho my girl is in preschool). I wanted to let you know you won the razor scooter giveaway on BabyCenter. Could you please email me at I need your address & phone for shipping, etc.

Congrats! And thanks for reading my blog!