Monday, June 03, 2013

It's been a very long time since I blogged. Life had been keeping me busy, but it wasn't really very interesting.

News since I last posted something:
I am virtually schooling The Boy and The Girl. I don't remember if I had her when I last posted. She is the little girl I babysit. Her Mom is on the same schedule as my husband, so it works well for all of us. Anyway, the kids get to have school here at my apartment on a schedule that fits with Howard and The Girl's Mom's schedule. The kids actually get to spend time with their working parent, which is good for everyone.

My Mom just had her 70th birthday last month. We spent a week with her and my Dad just because. I took Sylvie and Aidan with me, of course.

We are thinking about buying a house, we have started the process to see if we can qualify for a loan. Howard's credit is okay, so we are hoping it will work out. We have an idea of what we can afford. All we have to do is qualify based on income and credit rating.

I'd like to remember to post more often. I have a lot of things I'd like to say. Things I'd like to discuss and work out through this forum. No promises though.

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