Sunday, September 26, 2004


I talked to Allen and Xander yesterday. It was nice to hear from them. Now I have their new address and Allen's phone number.

I called my Mom about Snowanna. She wasn't home so I left a message. Not long after I talked to Allen she called me. Here's the scoop: The baby isn't ready to be born yet. If she hasn't gone into labor before October 4th they will probably induce her. (Her original due date was September 18th.) So I have some more time to work on the blanket.

Oh yeah, the blanket is progressing ok. But now I remember why I don't like to make afghans in sections to be sewn together. I have a hard time keeping the tension the same from one piece to the other. I was nearly finished with the second panel when I checked it against the first. It's quite a bit bigger. An inch wider and with about 4.5 instead of 5 repeats of the main pattern it's about 2 inches longer! I think I like the bigger version better though, so I'll try to keep the tension looser for the next two panels. (I need three to finish the blanket.) If I can't keep them close enough I'll probably just make 2 panels of seed stitch and make them the same length as the panel I like the best. That will be easier to do since I won't have to worry about the pattern. I hope that I can actually finish the project as originally intended, but I'm willing to change it in order to finish it in time to send it to the baby.

Somewhere someone mentioned that maybe I should listen closer to what Aidan is saying. Maybe he is saying more words than I think he is because I'm not listening well enough. I'm trying to hear his words. Wish us luck.

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